Published on October 18, 2004 By snowhawk77c In WinCustomize Talk
ok i installed that new alien ware manager that had all the icons and skins and stuff the skins worked fine but the isons didnt when i tried to open them in icon packager what do i do?

on Oct 19, 2004
did the icons come in a .ico fromat?
on Oct 19, 2004
If you installed the alienware suite, just load the suite and select iconpackage... that is, you have to have iconpackager first of course.

if that doesnt work, go to your thememanager folder, open up the .suite file with a zip program. sithin the suite file, go into the iconpackage folder, and extract the AlienMorph folder within to your iconpackager themes folder.

then run iconpackager and apply the icons

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on Oct 20, 2004
no the icons came in a suite formate and i tried what the toher guy said but it says the icons were not able to be installed